How in the world did he come up with this?

I was sitting in my car waiting for the captain to arrive.  This morning I was to crew in a sailboat race in the Atlantic Ocean.  Bored to tears, I turned on the local AM station.  I had rarely listened this early on a weekend morning, but there was a show hosted by a gentleman named Art Bell.  In the past, he spoke of strange things, like flying saucers at Roswell.  Some days he talked about ghosts, weird animals, and things I thought were a little out of this world.

On this particular morning, he spoke of something called remote viewing.  This was different from all of the other outlandish claims I had heard before because the government used it to gather intelligence.  Either the man was lying or this was the real thing.  He spoke of people who "psychically" obtained information about a site they had never seen.  These people gathered this information from within their own minds.  I am the type of person who gathers information from separate sources when something interests me.  Through further research, I found that this seemed to be a valid phenomena, but I still didn't understand it.

The next piece of the puzzle came from a special on the Discovery Channel about the government's clandestine psychic research program.  It told the story of remote viewing and introduced me to Ingo Swann, the inventor of this process.  They interviewed many former members of this program and Mr. Swann himself taught one of the reporters the skill.  It was on this show that I first heard of Major Ed Dames and his company, Psi-Tech, Inc.

Ed Dames was unique among the former psychic spies because he wanted to teach this skill to anyone who was willing to learn.  You did not have to be psychic and anyone could learn it.  Through Art Bell's website, I found the site for Psi-Tech and discovered the training tapes, at that time under development.

One day the time came to take the plunge and order Module 1.  This module teaches the basics of Technical Remote Viewing, Ed Dames' trademark form of remote viewing.  I had good enough success with this course to know that there was something to it.  Later, I ordered Module 2, which is far more advanced than Module 1.  My skills took off and now I strive to become stronger each day.

There were supposed to be other modules, but they no longer appear to be forthcoming.  Instead, Major Dames is teaching the more advanced stages online, free.  What a bargain!

Take Me Back, Buzz!